Get to Know Us
A group of concerned community leaders gathered on July 13, 2022, to discuss the rising rates of child suicides in Wake County. Bettie Murchison called friends and colleagues together to discuss the challenges faced by children in schools and homes.
Compassion, Awareness, Resources, and Education are what we seek. If we can find enough compassionate people and make them aware of the crisis, provide the education and training for them to become the resources within their village, we can heal our community.
Our Team.
Meet our management team.
Carolina Across 100
We are one of 15 teams from 24 counties and every
part of the state, partnering to prevent suicide in NC.
Our State, Our Wellbeing is a 12-month initiative to identify and implement strategies to improve mental health and reduce the number of suicides in North Carolina, launched by
Carolina Across 100 and the UNC Suicide Prevention Institute.
Circle of Life
Research has shown the effectiveness of Expressive Arts in assisting people with sharing their trauma and treating their addictions. The combination of social skills training, along with thought mapping, has proven to help with behavior changes and ultimately life changes.The Circle of LIfe program is designed to assist people to express themselves through a form of art. Whether you like to sing, paint, or write poetry, you can find a way to share your pain through working with one of our skilled professionals. Our motto is Expressing the Pain, Healing the Hurt.
Doc in the Shop
The Barbershop has always been a place for community and outreach. Our goal is to equip barbers, as they are often unrecognized First Responders and Community Navigators, and to curate “intervention” points to reduce disparities in BIPOC communities. Our progress and plans thus far include:
Blood pressure drives (2x a year) at 6 barber shops
Sixty barbers trained in MHFA (goal of 100)
Pop-up Shops in communities with barbers giving
free haircuts, health screenings, and literature -
STD education on college campuses
Hosted Community Processing Circles at 2 shops
Faith & Wellness Circles
We believe that Faith & Wellness can coexist. So, we've partnered with likeminded faith communities who are ready to heed the call! Our goal is to equip the village as a whole, and impacting people wherever they gather. In doing so, we have succeeded at the following:
Offered over 10 community workshop seminars in churches including on the following topics: Suicide, Depression, Trauma 101, Trauma-Informed Communities.
Held 4 Processing Circles for Faith Communities who have recently lost either a pastor or pastor's wife.
Offered 6 Processing Circles to Faith Communities.
Provided outpatient counseling (virtual and face-to-face) to over 25 church members experiencing grief.
Join the Village
Are you interested in joining the Village? Check our calendar for our next interest meeting to discover ways to help fight the cause. Ways to be involved include:
Attend training sessions (Youth Mental Health First Aid, Adult Mental Health First Aid, Grief, Soul Circles, etc.)
Host a training at your church or venue
Share our resource page with family and friends
Join the leadership team and provide ideas and support for growth; share information with your network.
Upcoming Events
Check our calendar for Village of C.A.R.E. events,
along with local agency workshops, conferences and more.
Village Partners.
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