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All Hands In

Circle of Life
Expressive Arts Program

Past studies have shown the effectiveness of Expressive Arts in treating drug and alcohol addiction. Our Circle of Life program is designed to assist people in recovery to express themselves through a form of art. Whether you like to sing, paint or write poetry, you can find a way to share your pain through working with one of our skilled professionals. Our trained staff members are eager to serve you.

Homework Help

Parenting Class
Facilitator Training

The Nurturing Parenting Program (NPP) is an evidence-based curriculum designed to meet the needs of parents across the continuum of ages and stages. Curriculums are adapted for parents of young children, teenage children, teen parents, and parents who are in substance abuse programs.

OHWCI believes the use of this coursework, blended with Expressive Art can used as a strong force in healing and recovery.


Wellness Essentials Hub

During the COVID pandemic, it became apparent that the health of our communities was dependent upon the access to vaccines, sanitizing supplies, test kits, and valid information.


OHWCI stepped in to assist with distribution of food and produce boxes, hygiene products, hand sanitizers, masks, and other essential supplies needed in the village. Volunteers helped sign community members up for vaccinations during the peak of the pandemic. OHWCI continues to support the community with supplies, food, and other helpful information.

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​Bettie Murchison, Founder of Oasis Health & Wellness Centers International, LLC,

is a National Trainer and Consultant with the NPP. With over 15 years experience teaching the core curriculum to agencies, companies & individuals,

Bettie authored a supplement specifically for African American families.

Bettie with Dr.Stephen Bavolek, 

Author of The Nurturing Parenting Programs

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