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Oasis Health & Wellness Centers International has long been a dream of founder Bettie Murchison. As the former Executive Director of a mental health agency, Bettie knows very well the need for therapy. Combine that with her passion to help create nurturing families, along with her love of the arts and one can easily see how OHWCI is a labor of love. 


Bettie's goal is to help fulfill the need for culturally appropriate holistic healing for youth and adults through the programs offered by OHWCI. Having served numerous families over a span of 30+ years, Bettie took note of those seeking therapeutic resources that speak to the traumatic experiences that impact their daily lives.


OHWCI is here to serve that need, with a focus in healing individuals, families and communities as a whole. Through a team of highly trained and educated providers, OHWCI is able to bring their team to your local community.

Let us help you express the pain and heal the hurt!

OHWCI Values


Rest is essential to the growth, healing and functionality of the human body; however what is often overlooked is the need for mental, emotional and spiritual rest. 

OHWCI provides clients the opportunity to find such rest by digging into those deep emotions and teaching you how to express them in creative ways.


Merriam-Webster defines oasis as an area in a desert where there is water and plants; a pleasant place that is surrounded by something unpleasant; a time or experience that is pleasant and restful.

OHWCI hopes to literally become an oasis in your life; a pleasant experience, in spite of any unpleasant surroundings. Let us be the water in your desert, helping you to bloom right where you are planted.


Through life enrichment programs targeted at improving the minds and hearts of people, OHWCI aims to help relieve pain, struggle and discontentment. 


We find a common thread in the world is the desire for happiness. It is our hope to reconnect, rejuvenate and empower participants, helping to create a space of relief and true, authentic joy.

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